IT Support And Small Businesses: The Basics
As a business owner, your IT infrastructure is important. You need to make sure that you have professionals accessible to establish, protect, and maintain your network infrastructure and your data security. For many business owners, a lack of understanding about information technology and managed IT support solutions can lead to mistakes and overlooked details. Here's a look at some things that you should know about your company's IT support and managed IT solutions.
3 Ways To Help Remote Workers With Cybersecurity
Many businesses are continuing to allow their employees to work from home throughout 2020. If you are a business that is allowing more employees to work from home this year, you need to make sure you are supporting your remote workers and providing them with tools to enhance their cybersecurity.
Help Set-Up a VPN Service
You don't want employees sending work over their networks at home, which may not be that secure.
How Often Should Business Computing Systems Be Updated Or Scanned?
An array of business computer issues need to be handled on a regular schedule. Whether you have a handful of machines running at your organization or hundreds, it's wise to have a business computer services professional check up on your systems from time to time. Here are four items that should be on your checklist and how often they need to be addressed.
Operating System Patches and Updates
Keeping the OS in top condition is an important job.
3 Huge Reasons That Your Business Needs Cloud Services
If you've been hearing and reading about all kinds of businesses taking advantage of "the cloud," you may be wondering what cloud they're living on. But cloud services aren't pie in the sky; in fact, these virtual digital platforms can provide businesses just like yours with some astounding new capabilities and reassurances. Here are just three of the many ways that cloud services might help you succeed.
1. Remote Work and Project Collaboration
Worried About Your Business? Why You Need To Hire A Cybersecurity Consulting Service
If you own a small business, you might not have the budget for an advanced security system for your computers. However, that doesn't mean you should forego the cybersecurity. The fact that you're responsible for a small business is all the more reason to invest in cybersecurity. Whether you're on a tight budget or not, you can receive the full benefits of enhanced security by working with a cybersecurity consulting service.
Best Practices For Implementing Effective Enterprise Content Management System For Your Business
If your business has seen a boom in growth in this last year and the resulting documentation management requirements have started to get out of hand, then an enterprise content management system is just what your company needs. If you are not sure you clearly understand what documentation management entails and how to best implement this type of system, then the following information will help to clarify a few things for you:
4 Tips To Keep Your Business's Computer Network Safe & Secure
If you own a business, you probably already have a reliable high-speed internet provider to keep your company connected. Another great way to connect all the computers and information within your business is having a company-wide computer network. However, these networks can be hacked, so you need to make sure that you take steps to keep your computer network safe and secure.
#1 Reduce Administration Accounts
The first thing that you want to do is reduce the amount of administration accounts that have access to your network.
How An Office 365 Consultant Benefits Your Business
Cloud-based solutions like Office 365 are becoming increasingly popular with businesses of all sizes. Perhaps your business wants to take advantage of the benefits these cloud services have to offer. However, the transition from your current in-house solutions can be fraught with unexpected challenges and obstacles.
When confronted with these issues, it pays to have someone who can help smooth out the wrinkles in your implementation process. Having a consultant on hand is essential if you want to get the most out of Office 365.
Understanding Maintenance Needs For Business Computers
Unless your company has a documented maintenance plan, cleaning out computers is usually a reactionary issue. Many people avoid cleaning their systems unless they see dust, or if the computer seems to be running slow with no noticeable software issues. Unfortunately, by the time you notice the symptoms and see the signs, you've already let some accelerated wear and tear run its course. Here are a few computer cleanliness issues, along with ways to take care of the problem properly.
3 Tips For Secure Passwords
Keeping online accounts secure, especially ones that contain sensitive information, can be difficult for some internet users. Many make the mistake of creating passwords that are easy to guess. Creating a secure password is a must for anyone who wants to keep their information safe. However, many are unsure of what makes a password secure. It can also be difficult to remember secure passwords for multiple accounts. Here are three tips for creating secure passwords that can help keep sensitive information safe: